A Beginner’s Guide to Bar Games

If you sit at the outdoor patio of our Nashville beer hall, you’ll notice a variety of games set up for our customers to play. Fusing American classics like cornhole and ping pong with Stein Holding contests, we believe that bar games are a great way to bring our customers together in the spirit of friendly competition. Any Nashville happy hour is made that much more fun with bar games for you and your friends to play while you drink– which one will you try next?


Also called “bags”, “sack toss”, and “baggo”, cornhole is a lawn game where players take turns throwing bags filled with corn or beans at a raised platform with a hole in the far end. If the player throws the bag into the hole, he or she gets three points, and if the bag lands on the platform, one point is awarded. A team wins the game when they reach or exceed 21 points. Once called “the thinking man’s beer pong”, you can become a master of cornhole with hard work and strategy. Some basic tips: throw the bag in a soft underhanded arc instead of pitching it like a baseball. Don’t put too much spin on the bag – flatter is always better, and maybe even mess with your opponent’s head by chatting them up while they’re taking their turn!

Stein-Holding Competition

On special occasions at Von Elrod’s, such as a Big Stein Thursdays, you might find yourself in the middle of a stein-holding competition. Participants hold 1 liter steins filled with beer straight out, and the person who can hold it the longest wins. If you drop the glass, spill any of your beer, or lower your arm below a 90 degree angle, you’re disqualified! Do you think you have what it takes to become the ultimate stein-holder? Drop by Von Elrod’s Beer Hall & Kitchen on any Thursday night to find out.

The Best Bar Games Are at Von Elrod’s!

Are you looking for a Nashville restaurant that has fresh meats and sausages, ice cold beer, and a variety of classic, unique bar games? If so, join us in our beer hall or on our patio. Von Elrod’s is the best restaurant in Nashville for both beer lovers and game lovers. Come for our 36 local craft beers on tap and stay for our top-notch entertainment, like a cornhole tournament or a stein-holding contest.

Ready to challenge your friends to a game? Stop by Von Elrod’s Beer Hall & Kitchen and put your skills to the test during Happy Hour, Saturday Brunch, Big Stein Thursdays, or any other time you’re craving great beer and fierce competition.